Monday, March 21, 2011

Intimidated by Cabbage

So, obviously it's been a while.

I'm so frustrated with this whole computer business and sad that it's been keeping me from blogging. My husband has been kind enough to keep bringing home his work computer so I can check email at night, but we seem to have a zillion other things going on and it's hard to find the time to sit down and blog when I have such limited access to a computer. The good news is we shipped our computer to my brother, who is very handy in such matters and hopefully it won't be long until we have it back and running better than ever. I'm quite sure this is a problem June didn't have to deal with. GOOD GRIEF!

All this time, I've been pining away to blog about my beloved 50's again...and thinking of all sorts of things to write about. I've been keeping a list so when the computer is returned in working order, I won't have to waste any time. I definitely want to try some more 50's dinners (shh...don't tell my husband just yet!) and I'd love to throw a cocktail party or something to try out all the tips I'm picking up in my lovely books.

Tonight, I was thumbing through Thoughts for Food and came across a recipe I would like to try. It's for...get ready...cole slaw. Now, this may seem odd for a couple of reasons:

1. Doesn't everyone know how to make cole slaw?
2. I don't really like cole slaw very much

To point number one I will say a firm: no. No, I don't know how to make cole slaw...I can guess the major ingredients, but I've never made it before. Also, I'm pretty sure there are lots of different ways to make it. And this 50's recipe features sour cream (which I love) in place of the usual mayo (which is ok with me, but not as a main ingredient). My husband, however, does not share my love of sour maybe I'll have to make this when we have people over for dinner. The last thing he'll be excited about is 4 lbs. of tasted but largely uneaten cole slaw.

Point 2 - well, you can guess why I don't like cole slaw. All that mayo. Blech, it's just too much!

So let me share the recipe I found with all of you and hopefully in the near future I can add it to my 50's cooking repitoire (which, admittedly, is small at the moment).

Cole Slaw

1/2 head cabbage
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons onion juice
1/2 cup sugar
bunch of parsley, chopped
1/2 pint sour cream

Shred cabbage; salt, press with a weight, and let stand several hours. Drain off water and add vinegar, oil, onion juice, sugar, and chopped parsley. Before serving, fold in sour cream.

Now a few things about this recipe intimidate me (yes, it is possible to be intimidated by cabbage). One is: onion juice. Is this readily available in stores or is it something I'm going to have to press out of the darn things myself? Honestly, I have a hard enough time chopping onions without practically sobbing, so I'm not really sure how I'll press one without achieving a similar effect. Now you see why I've decided to blog about this particular recipe before I make it. Some of your comments have been very helpful in the past...I look forward to any advice I can get!

The next thing that worries me is that I'm supposed to "press" the salted, shredded cabbage with a weight. this another thing I need to add to my wish list...or will my 30-lb. copy of The Joy of Cooking suffice? But that would require risking a salty, cabbage smell encroaching upon a beloved cookbook. Again, your thoughts are much appreciated.

So that's where I'll leave things for now. I'm looking forward to obtaining the ingredients and putting this slaw to the test tomorrow... or very soon, at least. If I can't find a sufficient weight, I know a pretty cute 18 lb., 12 oz. somebody who would love nothing more than to get his hands on 1/2 head of shredded cabbage...or anything else I don't want him to for that matter!


  1. You may need to get a brick and wrap with aluminum foil (Martha Stewart does with panini sandwiches..Or use a bowl and pour some water in it..I have done this..As for onion juice, I have never seen it in a store..I know when I chopped my onions fine they are juicier. So I think chop fine and find some thing to squeeze or press them. Something to think about..or we can google onion juice and see what comes up...

  2. I just googled onion juice. Ehow has the instructions to make onion juice. It said to chop the onions coursely and put in food processor and process until fine..Put in coffee filter and catch juice. The problem is June did not have a processor, but she did have a blender that would work..Martha Stewart says to light a candle near you onions when chopping onions. The flame burns the tear gas and it shouldn't effect your eyes..I have tried it and it works..Happy cole slaw making

  3. Jeanette, you are always so helpful! I can't wait to try out your to find a brick! :)
