Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I've blogged quite a bit about the work involved in keeping a June-like life, but have yet to spend much time on leisure activities of the 1950's. While watching yet another episode of Father Knows Best, my interest was piqued when the episode centered around whether or not Jim was too old to play badminton. Eventually, he and Margaret skip off (in a very youthful fashion, I might add) to play badminton with another couple for the evening.
I guess it's not much different than couples playing tennis together today, but it was just funny to me because I haven't played badminton since tenth grade gym class. And also...I thought it was "badmitten" fingerless gloves. Seriously, I figured out I was wrong for the first time today when I tried to type "badmitten" into Google search and all the results came up for "badminton." I guess they're wrong when they say computers will never be as smart as humans.
Anyway, badminton to me, seems just a little "cuter" version of tennis. Obviously, there are the logistical differences of a shuttlecock being used instead of a ball, and the court being a bit different, but it seems similar enough. I, not being particularly adept at tennis, am actually very interested in trying out badminton (for the second time ever) sometime soon.
Before I get ahead of myself, I think it's best to consult the expert on all things, Amy Vanderbilt on the topic at hand.
A sociologist or psychiatrist could glean considerable information about any [badminton] player's personality defects by watching his behavior on the court. In this game, the man stands revealed, even in a game of mixed doubles. He has plenty of room in which to throw a tantrum or his racket, lots of space to yell and hurl taunts at his opponent, many opportunities to cheat when there is no referee and his word as a sportsman and gentleman decides whether the shuttlecock is in or out (p. 163).
Now that gives us lots to look forward to, doesn't it? It sounds very similar to what I imagine will be my son and his peers interacting in about another year or so. Nevertheless, Margaret Anderson did look so snappy in her cute little badminton outfit - maybe I'll still give it a go!

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